Orbiting Jupiter

Here is one of my favorite books, “Orbiting Jupiter.”. I have wrote a letter to one of the characters. Hope you enjoy!

Dear Jupiter,

Your father was a great man. He loved you with all of his heart. His name was Joseph. He made many riskey moves for you. He really wanted to keep you as his own, but he got told that he was too young to keep you as he was 13 or 14 when you were born. You got taken away from him. This all started when the letter came in to your father. The first sentence read: You have a daughter, her name was Jupiter. He went crazy, but he was told to sign a few papers after he read the letter. The papers were for you to be able to others to adopt you. He did not want that. Your father held off from signing the papers for a while. Then he did, but your grandfather had a different opinion. He wanted money from your mother madeleine’s parents who were the first to sign them as they wanted nothing to do with you in the first place, but anyways as soon as he found out where you were he that one day packed some clothes and 2 books in his bag. He went to school and didn’t walk home with your brother Jack. your parents were worried sick about him. They went to find him. It was snowing and Your brother and your parents split up and went. although your parents told jack to go straight, but he knew what your father had thought to do. Not go straight. So he went a few blocks in and thought the library would be where to go for him. He was not there, but your foster mom was. Jack had asked if they saw the man in the picture he had, then they asked who he was. Jack said that he was your father. Your foster mom had a call about a boy. A boy who was pacing outside your old house. It was your father. Your foster mom gave him a picture. A while after Joseph’s father came tried to take Joseph. He went so no one got hurt except him. They got in a car wreck and fell in the river. He died for your brother jack as your grandfather had a gun up to your brother. And now you are here with a happy family that loves you.

Happy thoughts to you,

_ Katelynn

Have you ever done this with a book?

One thought on “Orbiting Jupiter

  1. Dear Katelynn,
    I really liked the structure of the letter that you would send to these characters, and I think this idea is so creative! I have certainly thought about if I could send a letter to my characters, just to let them know about a plot twist that’s about to happen or something. What’s your favorite book or series?

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