A wild animal that lives in my comunity

A wild animal that lives in my community is a Jack Rabbit. The jack rabbits scientific name in a Lepus. A jack rabbit is long-legged and lean Its fur is buff-colored to blend in with the dry environment. Its relatively long tail has a black stripe, and its long brown ears have black tips. Jack rabbits can run up to 30 miles an hour and can jump to the length of about 20 feet. Also when a jack rabbit sees predators like coyotes, foxes, bobcats, badgers and weasels, it moves in a zig-zag pattern. Click this link to see what a jack rabbit looks like. commons.wikimedia.org/…

Today is National Pretzel Day!

“Sometime during the Middle Ages, Catholic Monks were trying to figure out what to do with these bits of leftover dough. Clever as they were, they came up with the pretzel, folding the dough into the shape of praying hands, or the knot representing the Holy Trinity, depending on who you ask.”  Days of the year.

Did you know that today was pretzel day? I didn’t and at first. Also I thought that national pretzel day was just a day for pretzels being such a good food. What did you think it was? Tel me in the comments. 


I have made a poem anthology for school and thought it was super cool and wanted to show you guys the finished product. Plus I have not done a post in a while for I was busy. Copy and paste the link below in a new tab to see it.
